Ottawa was amazing. It was so great to see Andria again, it was like no time had past. I forgot how much I laugh when I am around that girl, suffice it to say, I had a wondefull few days in Ottawa and Toronto.

On friday morning I met Mark Evans for breakfast and we went to this wonderfull little organic restaurant/coffee house called the Wild Oat. I had a mango lassie that was made with rice milk. We also happened upon the Tulip festival on International day where I had the best choloate truffle that I have ever had. I can't remember the name of the desert, but it was from Brazil.
Andria and I, with some last minute planning, jumped a train to Toronto Friday afternoon and headed to Toronto, where we spent the weekend in... MY OLD RESIDENCE. It as a real blast from the past! Good Ol' Michener! The whole weekend was a trip down memory lane actually. We went to O'Grady's on friday night for a couple pints, and to The Villiage Idiot on Saturaday. Jerr Bear camp out with us too, he hasn't changed a bit and it was great seeing him. We went back to his place in the beaches, a gorgeous place, and played with his adorable puppy Ella!

On Sunday I checked in to my hostel, the Canadiana Backpackers Inn, and then said good bye to Andria at Union Station. And then I was on my own, or so I thought... back at the hostel it wasn't long before I started making a few friends. Two wonderfully Aussies, Sian and Ash. There is a little movie theatre in my hostel, with airplane seats! Anyway, they showed the horror film hostel (I was crazy to go I know) and then the three of us headed to the pub across the street for a few pints and some laughs, it was comedy night! I had an absolute blast and I was sad to see Sian pack her bags to head to niagra falls this morning.

As for the YCI orientation, the reason I'm in Toronto, it began today. The whole MUNHOPE gang arrived on time! And we started into a day long process of presentations and discussions about our up coming project in Tanzania, including health and safety concerns, aims and goals of YCI and the MUNHOPE project, project life, etc. etc. etc. It was a good day, very informative, and I'm pretty sure the entire MUNHOPE team learned alot and had many of their concerns addressed. Only 4 more days of orientation left before we hop on the plane. I am getting so excited, but there is so much more for me to do in Toronto before I leave...
1 comment:
Hi Heather, Just found your blog. Good to see your off to a great start. Keep up the good work, and be safe.
Will be checking in regularly.
Jerry & Sylvia
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